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05.4 - EV FireSafe training for emergency responders

Emergency responders are facing new risks & challenges with electric vehicles & lithium ion batteries that are not yet well understood.


EV FireSafe offers three ways to train with our expert team:


All training is designed to support & dovetail with your agencies' SOPs, providing sensible information you can use straight away to protect you & your team.


Our knowledge is not static. We are constantly learning from & investigating incidents, collaborating with a global network of experts, & creating short, information-packed videos & content for YouTube, Facebook & LinkedIn.


We welcome you to join us for fast, latest & informative live online sessions with an expert team who are also emergency responders with decades of experience.


Choose your role to see which session is best for you.

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Prepare to confidently manage lithium-ion battery & electric vehicle fires 

Fast, information-packed & data-driven live online webinars & hands on sessions to set you up with the knowledge & skills you need to manage any incident involving electric vehicles & lithium-ion batteries.

Testla EV FireSafe fire investigation.HEIC

Fire investigation

What data can be gathered from an EV post-incident & how do you investigate safely?

Subscribe to the world's first online data & case study sharing platform, EV Fires, Teardowns & Deep Dives - The Ultimate EV FireSafe Guide. This course is not just for fire investigators, it's for everyone wanting to really go down the fascinating rabbit hole of EV fires & incidents.

Police Car


From incident to impound, police have extended exposure to EV battery fire risk

Join our fast, information-packed & data-driven live online webinars that will raise your awareness of risks & how to mitigate them in any incident involving electric vehicles & lithium-ion batteries.

Rescuing a Patient


Where are your risks from lithium-ion batteries & what do you need to know for your patients?

Join our fast, information-packed & data-driven live online webinars that will raise your awareness of risks & how to mitigate them in any incident where people have been injured by electric vehicles or lithium-ion batteries.

Collapsed Tree

Road rescuers

How do you identify, immobilise & isolate an EV so you can safely extricate occupants?

Join our fast, information-packed & data-driven live online webinars that will keep you safer when managing any incident, including patient extrication involving electric vehicles.

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Traffic & tow

Are you dealing with a broken EV or a damaged battery pack? How do you safely move & tow?

Fast, information-packed & data-driven live online webinars providing the awareness, knowledge & skills you need to manage any incident involving road registered electric vehicles.

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