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06 - EV fire safety in all spaces

How do we manage battery fires in buildings & specialist sectors?

While global knowledge on emergency response to passenger EV battery fires is emerging into awareness, standard operating procedures & incident management methods, there are a range of specialist sectors that sit outside the average family daily drive.

These include electrified vehicles like the ePMV Bushmaster, one of the reasons why EV FireSafe was originally funded by the Australian Department of Defence. This world-leading project took a diesel Bushmaster, originally built in Bendigo, Victoria, & converted it to electric in Newcastle, New South Wales, by heavy EV experts 3ME Technology.

Bushmaster ePMV Electric Vehicle Battery Fire.jpg

Other specialist EVs including electric ground service equipment in airports, loading tugs for shipping, quad and side-by-sides for agriculture or electric dump trucks for mining.

Through our partner company EV FireSafe for Business, our team work with a range of private sector companies to better understand the challenges of specialist electrified fleet & how to adapt our IAIIM emergency response method as necessary.

This section sets out the challenges, solutions & training our team sees an urgent need for. It is important to note that we are strong advocates for electrification, however believe it must be done safely, & with data-driven evidence.

Our emergency response & battery fire knowledge for specialist EVs is not static. We constantly learn from & investigate incidents, & share on YouTube, Facebook & LinkedIn.

With new information, which is essential in this fast-moving space, our expert EV battery fire training instructors are continuously updating & adapting our training platform.

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