05 - EV battery fire training
The key to safer people, places and environment around electric vehicles is dynamic, data-driven training
Electric vehicles are inherently safe to charge, drive and store. But following an emergency incident, there are new risks and challenges to everyone.
In EV FireSafe's online and in-person training sessions, we'll break down complex concepts, give you simple and actionable steps, and further your understanding of your standard operating procedures.
Leveraging 5 years worth of global data and research, we've developed a complete system for managing any incident involving electric vehicles, from EV submersion in flood water, EV road traffic collision, an EV on fire or an EV battery fire.
Our team run regular webinars covering:
First response - Electric Responder program for first-on-scene responders
EVABC™ - Safely manage damaged EVs for tow, salvage, insurance, repair
EVSCS - Safer EV charging sites for drivers, fleet and site owners
EV Fire Investigation - Self-guided online timelines of real world incidents
We also run the EV Rescue 101 Global Webinar Series which brings together global leaders to talk about EV road rescue in training and real life.
Download our training pack by clicking on the image below. See all online training sessions below.
Train with global EV fire experts in these key areas:

Electric Responder
Recognise your hazards and risks when managing EVs in emergency incidents.
In these regular live sessions, our team will enhance your knowledge and provide foundational tactics and techniques you need to stay safer around EVs. These sessions are designed to support your response role and agency SOPs, no matter which uniform you wear. Perfect for training night!
Designed for firefighters, paramedics, ambulance, police, road rescue, emergency managers, incident controllers, tow, forensics and investigation.

Safely manage damaged EVs with EV FireSafe's visual and thermal check system
The Electric Vehicle Assessment of Battery Condition (EVABC) provides a framework for people or companies taking custody of water, fire or collision damaged EVs. Learn the system and build your internal safe work procedures around this foundational tool.
Designed for everyone managing a damaged EV, especially tow, salvage, repair and waste / wrecking.

EV Safer Charging System
Around 15% of EV battery fires occur while the vehicle is connected to EV charging. While we can't completely remove the risk of an EV battery fire at your charging site, you can help protect your people and site by raising awareness and the level of safety for drivers, site staff and emergency responders with our Design, Install and Maintain system.
Designed for strata, apartment, workplace and commercial EV charging sites.

EV Fire Investigation
Fire and collision investigators have the dual challenge of protecting their safety plus understanding battery type, chemistry and origin.
The risks of reignition, electrocution and unknown products of combustion now face investigators working in a world of electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries. Our team tore down a burnt EV, nicknamed 'Testla' to highlight these dangers for the future of origin and cause determination.
Designed for anyone wanting to learn more about EV battery fires, particularly forensics, collision and fire investigators.