06.1 - EV Fire Safety for Airports
EV battery fires in airports
The global aviation industry has entered an era of significant technological innovation, driven by government decarbonisation policies & industry initiatives to reduce carbon emissions & achieve net zero targets by 2050.
EV FireSafe has recently focused attention on the electric vehicle & lithium-ion battery fire safety impacts of alternative and renewable energy technology adoption within airports. Our initial findings are discussed in a paper 'Challenges of Electrifying the Aviation Industry' which can be downloaded below.
The paper discusses the challenges these technologies, such as solar panels, energy storage systems, electric vehicles and hydrogen, present for contemporary emergency management and business continuity practices within the airport environment & looks to develop ways to mitigate the risks.
We have additionally presented a webinar for the Australian Airports Association Airports Safety Week, & spoken at their national conference in Melbourne (Nov 23).
Download 'Challenges of Electrifying the Aviation Industry' report by EV FireSafe
The Challenges of Electrifying the Aviation Industry report was written by EV FireSafe's Airports & Emergency Management Specialist, Nathan Smith, with support from EV FireSafe Director, Emma Sutcliffe, and EV Technical & Fire Safety Specialist, Dan Fish. All team members are also operational firefighters with experience in EV and lithium-ion battery fires.
Click on image to download pdf
Case study - eGSE & EVSE for a global logistics company
We were delighted to recently deliver a project for a global logistics company in collaboration with our mentor & colleague Dr Paul Christensen.
The work focused on how they could start to mitigate lithium-ion battery fire risks for electric ground service equipment (eGSE) & the expansion of the supporting airside charging infrastructure from one hub to four, along aircraft stands.
In our research we took a holistic view of the client's preferred eGSE & EVSE purchased products & developed a bow tie risk analysis to outline the safety steps required to reduce risk & increase awareness along the entire design, build, install, operate & maintain process.
Please contact our Director at emma@evfiresafe.com for more information about our work in the airports sector.
Battery Fire Safety Basics - online course
If you work with or around lithium-ion batteries in devices, ground service equipment or electric vehicles in the aerodrome environment this short online course will help you stay safer & reduce the risk of a battery fire.
On completion, you'll be able to:
identify LiBs in your aerodrome
identify risks LiBs pose
know when there's a higher risk of battery fire
describe what to do if an LiB emergency happens
explain basic LiB concepts to others
This short course is live on our dedicated LMS, evfiresafe.business
What are the EV & battery fire risks in airports?
The rapid pace of alternatively fuelled technology moving into the airport space is a welcome step to decarbonisation, however we want to support operators & owners to ensure it's done safely.
We believe the key risk areas for electric airports are:
Speed and scale of renewable energy technology development, often rolled out faster than relevant safety legislation
Emerging lithium-ion battery market and commercial propriety which can lead to unknown fire behaviour
Commercial adoption & integration of new technology in the airport environment, such as EVs & charging for rental car companies
The introduction of electric ground service equipment (eGSE), which pose an unknown fire risk in a safety-sensitive area
Impact on contemporary emergency management practices who are often finding themselves 'leapfrogged' by new and emerging risk profiles