05.2 IAIIM - EV incident management
IAIIM provides a clear path forward for responders managing EV incidents
In 2022 we were commissioned by the Country Fire Authority to develop procedures for EVs, PMDs & BESS, & additionally worked with the Victorian SES to develop an EV FireSafe EV Extrication pack.
Following this, & in collaboration with an international network of fire & safety experts, EV FireSafe developed IAIIM, a simple step method for safer management of incidents involving electric vehicles.
IAIIM can be combined with other tools, such as RECEO, & is designed to dovetail with any emergency agencies SOPs.

How does IAIIM work?
A full explanation of IAIIM is too in-depth to be outlined accurately here, however it is explored in our online training for both fire & non-fire emergency responders.
We welcome you to join us for any of these sessions, or you can alternatively contact our Director at emma@evfiresafe.com to organise an Firefighting and EVs - Strategies and Tactics webinar for your group or agency.
IAIIM steps are also highlighted in our EV SOP poster & the EV Extrication pack.